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How to make chicks with grits

the ingredients

A medium-sized whole chicken. Half a kilo of grits. Half a teaspoon of cumin. Half a tea spoon of cinnamon. A quarter tablespoon of dry coriander. One tablespoon of ghee. Two medium-sized grains of onions. Three cloves of garlic. Two tomatoes of medium size. Tomato juice as needed. Salt and black pepper to taste. Method of preparation Wash the chicken well and clean it of excess, then leave it aside to drain the excess water. Finely chop one onion and put it in a bowl, grate the other grain and put it in another bowl, chop the garlic well and leave it aside. Chop one tomato into cubes, grate the other tomato and set it aside. Put a bowl on a medium heat, then put the ghee in it and leave it until it melts, then add the finely chopped onion and a pinch of salt and stir it with the ghee and leave it on the stove until it wilts. Add the grits, and saute them with the onions, and leave them slightly to brown. Add the chopped garlic and saute it with onions and grits, then add salt, black pepper, cumin, 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon, and dry coriander and stir together well. Add the chopped tomatoes and a cup of tomato juice and mix all the ingredients together, then add the water and leave the mixture until the grits are soft and absorb the water. Run the oven at a temperature of two hundred degrees Celsius. Get a deep bowl and mix the grated onion with the grated tomato and season with a little salt, black pepper and cinnamon. Put the chicken in a bowl and season it with the tomato mixture with tomatoes inside and out and between the skin and the meat, and leave it aside for at least two hours, until the seasoning is well absorbed. Bring the marinated chicken and stuff the grits inside and out and between the skin, then lock the chicken from the bottom well so that the filling does not come out, so it can be sewn using a strong thread or a stick of teeth, and you can put the rest of the extra grits around the chicken in the cooking pot. Put the chicken in the oven until it is completely cooked, and you can wrap the cooking pot with tin foil to make the chicken well cook. Take the chicken stuffed with grits from the oven after it has browned, and put the grits in a serving dish, then place the chicken in the middle and decorate it with fried nuts, and serve with yogurt and green salad.



المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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